The Park House is an important thing to be made, the existence not only as an ornamental garden but are putting a lot of other benefits. The house that you build a narrow ground may not be enough for a garden, but you need to play the role of imagination and here, if you will cover your land with house building or you will leave only a limited number of land as a garden of your beautiful home.
Park in front of the house although not a primary need for the house, but the gardens are like accessories that will heed the home, providing coolness and peace for the family members. Not only that, but the home garden also serves as a water catchment for your environment. With the park then the water catchment around your home the better.
Usually, every house has a small patch of vacant land, so the land can you design to be located in front of the house, so you can turn the land into a park, petite beautifully decorates the front of your house. Because the beauty of the park is also not assessed from wide or narrow land but on your way in managing and designing your garden minimalist home, So you need to know how to organize your home garden in the land narrow.
How to Organize Parks house In Narrow Land
Designing a garden house to a narrow area is easy bother, you need the expertise and intelligence of its own. Here we will share knowledge and expertise in managing the park, then check out the following tips on managing this minimalist garden.
1. Condition of Soil and water infiltration.
In the garden design you need to pay attention to the direction of flow of water when it rains, so that you can deal with this early on. Do not let the water flow is even made a puddle. As a supporting function in absorbing water park, you can create a water catchment wells biopori so more smoothly. The smoothness of the water catchment home environment provide comfort for house experts, as this will avoid your family from the plight of typing the rainy season.
2. Make Paving.
Make paving should consider, especially if your garden is often a place for recreation or last place of children. Goals make little or paving the way it is to avoid damage to the flowers of the garden.
3. Adjust the park with land
This is a draft or initial designs before you started making the park. The size of a land where you are, that's the size of your garden that will design, so it will be easier for you to design the park.
4. Small Plants
Customize your garden with a piece of land, a narrow course the plants that we plant the plant too small, so garnished your minimalist garden with plants or flowers are small and not big like a palm tree. Harmony in design will provide coolness and beauty of the eye to your garden.
5. Pay attention to the direction of sunlight
In building a home parks you need to pay attention to aspects of the sun. So you can just park sunlight. The park is not enough light will not be able to grow properly, so it takes sunlight is good for the garden.