Today's Design House Style Middle East

Although not a modern design, yet contemporary dream home image Middle Eastern style can still be presented in a more modern feel. So no need to enter all its elements. Quite a few elements only in order to harmonize with the environment. The important thing still feels the scent of his desert and so the main focus of attention.

Middle East-style house has a taste of art is very high, not least with the architectural style of European or classic. Most of detail and ornamentation ornate arch-shaped. In addition, the concept of spatial arrangement or the interior is also very neat, beautiful and comfortable. Guaranteed occupants will feel at home in a house with such a model.

Traits of the Ideal Home Middle East Style

The arch is so one of the main characteristics that owned the building architecture style Middle East. The arch is usually mounted on the door and the interior ornaments. The arch models generally only a half-circle. But some are built like domes and minarets. Each model dream home image contemporary Middle Eastern style always show these characteristics.

The arches on the Ideal Home Interior

If applied to the room and interior, style arch is often placed on the wall but more often wear a patch technique. The type of material used shaped wooden board. To be more strongly felt natural impression, the wood is given a polish colors or dark brown. Because chocolate is also able to create scents that are very familiar and friendly.

The use of glass for the Ideal Home

There are several ways to give the impression of a more modern style to house the Middle East. However, the most commonly used media invent glass. Most of the glass is mounted on the outside wall. Some even use it as a key element in the window and door maker. But there is still the main feature of which maintained that curve.

Swimming and Home Garden craving

Characteristic of the following can be found in Middle Eastern design style that is where the pool and garden. Both are a unity that can not be separated. In the picture dream house today where a pool could be eliminated if the cost for to make it too big. But the park is still to be given the completeness of the typical style of the Middle East is the plant palm or palm. If you still want to make a pool, size can be made small or mini. Then the impression that Middle East continues to be felt, make the shower as the focus of the main view on the pond.

Today's Design House Style Middle EastToday's Design House Style Middle East

Today's Design House Style Middle East

Today's Design House Style Middle East